Which Of The Following Sentences Uses Active Voice

Which of the following sentences uses active voice? This introductory paragraph delves into the concept of active voice, providing a comprehensive overview of its significance in effective writing.

Active voice plays a crucial role in conveying clear and concise messages, enabling writers to engage their audience directly. In this exploration, we will delve into the nuances of active voice, examining its grammatical structure and contrasting it with passive voice.

Identifying Active Voice Sentences

Which of the following sentences uses active voice

Active voice is a grammatical structure in which the subject of a sentence performs the action of the verb. In other words, the subject is the doer of the action.Here are some examples of sentences in active voice:

  • The boy kicked the ball.
  • The dog ate the bone.
  • The teacher wrote on the whiteboard.

The following table shows the structure of active voice sentences:

Sentence Voice
The boy kicked the ball. Active
The dog ate the bone. Active
The teacher wrote on the whiteboard. Active

Comparing Active and Passive Voice

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Passive voice is a grammatical structure in which the subject of a sentence receives the action of the verb. In other words, the subject is the recipient of the action.Here are some examples of sentences in passive voice:

  • The ball was kicked by the boy.
  • The bone was eaten by the dog.
  • The whiteboard was written on by the teacher.

The following table summarizes the key differences between active and passive voice:

Characteristic Active Voice Passive Voice
Subject Performs the action Receives the action
Verb Action verb Be + past participle
Meaning Emphasizes the doer of the action Emphasizes the recipient of the action

Using Active Voice Effectively: Which Of The Following Sentences Uses Active Voice

Active voice is generally preferred in writing because it is more concise and direct than passive voice. Here are some tips for converting passive voice sentences to active voice:

  1. Identify the subject of the sentence.
  2. Make the subject the doer of the action.
  3. Use an action verb.

Here are some examples of effective active voice sentences in different contexts:

  • Formal writing: The company announced its financial results yesterday.
  • Academic writing: The researchers conducted a study on the effects of caffeine on sleep.
  • Business writing: We will send you the invoice next week.
  • Technical writing: The computer processes data in a matter of seconds.

Exceptions to Active Voice

Which of the following sentences uses active voice

There are some situations where passive voice may be appropriate. For example, passive voice can be used:

  • When the doer of the action is unknown or unimportant.
  • When the emphasis is on the recipient of the action.
  • In formal or academic writing, to sound more objective.
  • Here are some examples of passive voice sentences that are clear and concise:

    • The car was stolen last night.
    • The research was conducted by a team of scientists.
    • The results were presented at the conference.

    Detailed FAQs

    What is the primary advantage of using active voice in writing?

    Active voice enhances clarity and conciseness, enabling writers to convey their message directly and effectively.

    How can writers identify sentences written in active voice?

    In active voice sentences, the subject performs the action expressed by the verb.

    What are some common examples of active voice sentences?

    Active voice sentences typically follow the subject-verb-object word order, such as “The boy kicked the ball.”